Young people are our most valuable natural resource.  They are creative. They are missions-minded. They don’t mind rolling up their sleeves and getting involved and they have a lot of energy…

The world is full of people with problems. Many of those people try to solve their problems by using drugs and alcohol to help them escape reality. The true reality of that however, is that it solves nothing and only creates more problems…

Holiday celebrations can be very difficult for those who have lost a friend or family member that year, or even previous to that. Memories of past Christmas’ fill the minds of those grieving leaving them feeling their loss all over again…

Each holiday season families go to gatherings, give each other gifts and enjoy festivities in honor of the season. For those jobless, this can become a real problem because while they should be enjoying the holiday they are instead worried about how to pay their bills…

The prayers of children are often thought of as being “cute”, “playful”, “precious” or “pretend”. Adults can often become exclusive with regard to children and prayer, sending them to kid activities in the fellowship hall or sitting quietly on the pew as the adults pray the “big” prayers…

No matter your domestic status, all mothers face some of the same challenges when it comes to spending real time and energy praying and it often seems impossible. So, what is a mother to do when it comes to prayer and intercession…

“Little pig, little pig, let me come in,” growled the big, bad wolf. The little pig cried, “Not by the hair of my chiny, chin, chin!” So, the wolf huffed, and puffed, and blew the straw house down. The little pig ran as fast as he could to his brother’s house of sticks…

To help kids learn to pray use the following in your home or share with the families in your kid’s prayer ministries so they can do these things at home to help enforce what you are teaching during the week…

For many of us reading this post the question will give rise to various answers on how we are reaching our children and training them to pray. We train our own children. We train our grandchildren…

During a recent devotion we talked about tools, and how God uses us to fulfill different purposes in His kingdom. A few months prior I had bought a house out in the country with a big yard that had not been properly taken care of by the previous owner…

When I was a kid my mother prayed, so as a child I too I learned to pray. As I grew older, I learned to “perfect” prayer. As an adult I learned to teach others how to pray…

Archive of Articles

As we recently learned, prayer can be simple. There is no special formula or method. There are no tried and true 12-step programs; there is simply, prayer…

Children are like sponges; they soak in all the things they see around them and those things affect them. We’ve all seen children imitate…

They come in each Monday, flitting from friend to friend with the latest fad, toy, or electronic something-or-other to show during their own designated time of show-and-tell…

Baking is one of my passions in life. My family is well aware of this fact, and presented me with a KitchenAid mixer last Christmas. With this gift came a free subscription to a publication that is full of delicious new recipes to try…

Storms can bring disaster and chaos into the lives of people in their path. A storm doesn’t care who you are, where you live, what name you have, or how successful or wealthy you are. They just happen…

I asked this question during a kid’s session of the Summons to Sacrifice conference a few weeks ago right after we lead the children in a time of listening for what God wanted us to do. An eight-year-old answered it…

“What are you going to do when you get older?” This is perhaps one of the most frequent questions asked to a child by teachers, mentors and adults. It’s a good question…

We wanted to share with you a great writing from Roger Fields that gives a good foundation for every children’s ministry worker. Thank you, Roger, for your voice…

Recently we asked our Facebook Kids Prayer Focus Group to tell us in their own words what they envisioned as a successful Kids Prayer ministry. The Bible says that “where there is no vision the people perish.”

I must confess, helping teach a kids prayer class has made me realize that I didn’t know quite as much as I thought about prayer. I find myself being taught by them more and more…

Millions of people are in despair every day. They live lives full of anxiety and hopelessness. Issues of sickness, economic hardships, job loss, loss of a loved one and more plague their mind until all they feel is the heavy weight of depression…

The 2011 year was filled with major natural disasters across our world including earthquakes, floods, tornados, tsunamis, mud slides, volcanos, wildfires, hurricanes, typhoons, and more…

“Children are a heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Too often young children are considered insignificant and unimportant when it comes to spiritual matters. When this nonchalant attitude toward young children exists, they are neglected in prayer…

Modeling prayer is vital in the learning process of children, but it goes beyond that. Although we must show by example a prayerful life…

Children typically do not teach themselves. For a child to learn a core value, skill, or truth, they need to be taught…

I have often heard the phrase, “Children are the church of tomorrow.” I wholeheartedly agree. One day they will be leading, pastoring churches, running ministries, taking the gospel to foreign nations…

One of the fondest time parents have with their children is story time. Parents love to see their kids wide-eyed as they read a story to them that feeds their sense of adventure and imagination…

Children need relationship and connection. They need to feel a part of something that’s important; they need to contribute. The current generation of young people are hands-on driven with a desire to impact and change…

We wanted to share the tongues and interpretations and prophetic word that went forth at the 2012 Summons to Sacrifice Conference during the adult session on Friday morning…

During our Monday night Kids Prayer meeting we always have a time of focused prayer for various requests based on current issues and events. Many times this is lead by one of our teachers, but this night…

They are known as Generation Z.  They are creative and collaborative. They are smart. They know more about the world due to the Internet then many of us knew by the time we were adults…

As I sit here and watch the fresh snow falling in the Seattle area, the term “new beginnings” stirs up memories that are not necessarily pleasant. I don’t know what the proper term is for this feeling…

The foundation of prayer is a RELATIONSHIP with God. Prayer is not just lists of things we pray about, or something we do to be powerful Christians…

The education system of today has drastically changed. Many schools today are filled with violence, guns, drugs, and fear. It used to be that metal detectors were only found in high-security buildings but now they are common in inner-city schools…

In more than 40 nations around the world today Christians are being persecuted for their faith. In some of these nations it is illegal to own a Bible, to share your faith Christ, change your faith or…

Every single person in uniform has people at home who love them and who lie awake at night worrying about their safety.  Military service is inherently dangerous, and all the more so in a war zone. Many of our soldiers are living a very difficult life…

The struggle to be a successful parent is a great task for any two-parent home; when a parent is alone, this adds even more stress to the situation. Single parenting is extra tough…

Being a leader is not always easy, much less, being the leader of a nation. Corruption abounds in many government systems and there is great pressure from every side to influence those who have power and the ability to change things…

Living with a disabled child can be challenging; being a disabled child can be even worse. People stare, often without realizing it. They can make pitiful or ignorant comments. Many activities are not possible due to physical or mental limitations…

While the holidays bring joyous memories and laughter for millions, for many others it brings sadness and the close of another year of a precious life. The elderly are especially affected by this as they reminisce over their friends who have passed away, leaving them feeling lonely and fearful…

Sudanese Christians have faced horrific persecutions at the hands of a radical Islamic regime. An estimated two million Sudanese have been killed during two decades of civil war, including many Christians. A glimmer of hope exists with the peace accords, and we can help…

Many countries of the world do not have freedom of religion as does the United States and various similar countries. In those countries, to be a Christian can often mean persecution, torture, loss of family or home or even death…

It was early in the morning; the sun had not risen, and all was still. My mind was foggy from less-than-adequate sleep and my morning jolt of caffeine had yet to make it its way down to the deep recesses of my throat. I’m not a morning person. A phrase from my daily devotional stuck in my mind…

Since school is starting for a majority of children and young people this month, we’d like to leave you with some prayer points that you can use in your church, home and kids prayer ministry group…

Several years ago, my friend and fellow Kids prayer teacher came across a need that no one had heard anything about. Halfway across the world was a group of children that just happened to be the same age…

Last week, I took my grandchildren to a restaurant. My six-year-old grandson asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, “God is good, God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Nana gets us ice cream for dessert…

“You just think you know it all! Smartie-pants!” These are familiar words spoken by children on playgrounds, in households, and backyards. They are cruel words and yet often full of absolute truth…