Starting a Kids Prayer Ministry

Just Starting Out…

If you are contemplating or toying with the idea of staring a children’s prayer ministry, you’re probably in the market for materials and curriculum. You’ll want to look some ideas over to see if this is something you can commit to, right? That’s the natural way to go about making a decision of this magnitude, isn’t it?

However, in this case, allow me to encourage you not to make curriculum and materials your major deciding factors. Let me also encourage you to understand that it doesn’t take a “Prayer Warrior” to train up kids to become prayer leaders. If you have a desire to see kids praying, it is enough. If you can commit a small amount of time to preparation, then it is enough. Never taught kids before? Team up with someone who has and give yourselves to growing a generation of prayer leaders like this world has never seen.

If you believe that what you have to offer can be enough for Jesus to use, then the hard part is over. All the curriculum and good ideas in the world won’t replace desire. It’s the element that keeps the focus from being blurred over time…it’s what keeps the ministry fresh.

So if your just starting out, the main ingredient is desire. If you’ve got that, we can help you get the rest! Spend some time committing to the idea until it’s like a seed firmly planted, or until it’s a burr under your saddle – whichever works best.

Emerging Concept…
Try this one on for size! How can you take small steps to integrate children’s prayer ministry with other ministries in your local church? How can a children’s prayer ministry benefit the choir, Sunday school department, Youth, prayer, etc.